Tuesday 27 May 2014


We started going through the locks. We will ultimately go through 72 locks. They have dropped the sun roof, chairs and railings on the sun deck because the bridges are so low. In fact, in some cases, they will also lower the pilot house and the captain will operate the boat by a side steering console while leaning over it so as not to get hit by the bridge.

Ernie and I have not visited this charming charming town! A numer of years ago, a large number of years ago, we took a trip disown the Rhine and had been to the Marksburg castle. At that time, we stayed in a privat Zimmerman (private room) with Fraü Jost who celebrated her 80th birthday. We took the train to Marksburg and then walked from the train station to the castle. So, this time it was an easier climb!?

Miltenburg was such a surprise! Is is a town of 16th & 17th century half-timbered gabled houses. I so love being in Bavaria again!















After dinner on ship we had a glass blowing demonstration - right on ship! The. An was amazing and I got a fantastic one-of-a-kind earrings. so on to Rothenburg in the morning!

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