Thursday 8 May 2014

Lugo Spain

Another ho-hum day walking the only Roman wall preserved it's entire length. Just another UNESCO World Heritage site. Just another old structure only from 15 B.C. Oh well.

Seriously, it was amazing walking the top of this wall around the original city. The entire was is still intact. Of course, the battlements are no longer, but they still have one of the original gates.

My first paragraph was just my being glib and funny - or attempting to. I told Ernie the other day that when we stop saying "oh my" or gasping because the sight (be it Mother Nature, a piece of architecture, a painting, statuary, an old lady or man, whatever), it will be time for us to retire to the rocking chairs and get old. This world is an absolutely amazing place.

My other observation is that I have been using beautiful, amazing, stunning, fantastic so much but I can't think of other words that describe all that we are seeing and experiencing. So I hope it's not too boring or repetitive but I guess it's my blog and I can say whatever I want to. So there!

The beauty in Lugo besides the wall are the slate roofs and wonky chimneys on these narrow houses. Not too much else to say today so please just enjoy the photos. Wish y'all could be here to see these places in person with us.


Can you imagine the weight of this slate roof. I wouldn't trust the timbers under the slate if I had to do roof repairs
It is amazing how these folks utilize the little yard space they do have
Looks like the rest of the inner city grew up around this little old place




The city is in the process of doing restoration work on the buildings and ruins


Check out the sway on this roof


The building is gone but the original timbers still remain



You can get a sense of the wall in this photo. There are 85 semi-circular towers on the wall


There was this cute little shop that appeared to gave a really vast assortment of witches. They were also playing Galician music which would surprise you because it is Celtic. We heard this great Irish music coming from this shop and realized it was Galician.

I had just finished telling Ernie the it was one of the first times we did not encounter beggars by the church doors. We came out of the church and were walking yo the town square when this woman came to us asking for money.


I can't help it, I love flying buttresses!


This was the cutest chimney!



Hope y'all have a good night! We're getting ready to gave dinner at our rural B&B. We asked for fish and seafood and I can't wait to see what Marissa has prepared for us!

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