Thursday 29 September 2011

North Island trip coming to an end!

Well, I don't have the exact travel info right now, but we've driven over 4,000 kilometers since we left Blenheim and we're not quite through yet. We'll be leaving Mount Maunganui tomorrow morning and heading back toward Wellington and the ferry on Sunday.

We've spent the last two days walking the beach, collecting seashells and walking the base of the mount. The photos below are from the walk around the mount and our farewell activity here.

19 ft. boat that was fishing where the harbor meets the sea. Remember this is 19 feet long and that's a pretty good size fishing boat.

This is a tanker that was leaving the harbor and heading out to sea.
Here's a photo of the tanker passing the fishing boat. Sort of puts it all in perspective!

The following photos were taken from the walking trail around the base of the mount. Definitely not a swimming beach on this side of the mount.

See that thing sticking up on the left side of the picture? That's a rock that has been carved in that shape by the wind and sea. See close up shots from different angles below.

I personally think this close up of the rock looks like Captain Barbossa from the Pirates of the Caribbean when he was cursed.

That's all for now. I don't expect to be posting anything over the next two days - not until we get back to Blenheim. Goodbye to the absolutely beautiful beach and Mount Maunganui. Hope y'all have a great day!

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