Sunday 11 September 2011

Monday - a day of rest!

We decided to take a day of rest – rest from driving on Monday and Ernie went fishing. For those of you that know me, my stomach and boats, will not be surprised that I stayed on shore and enjoyed some ‘me’ time. Ernie’s fishing trip was successful in that he caught the most fish. Everyone caught at least one keeper ad everyone shared the catch. We had enough for an appetizer – not enough for a meal.  We had filets from two different kinds of snapper. They were great. I would have loved for him to have caught more but we were told by other local folks that, considering the time of the year, that was a good catch. I was waiting on the dock when the boat pulled in and watched the captain cleaning the fish and feeding these unusual birds. One bird in particular was a bottomless pit. The captain threw him the skin from 4 fish and he just stuffed them down his beak and kept on waiting for more.

 Golden snapper and boy did it taste good!!!! Thank you for giving up your life for our dinner!

 don't know what this fish is but I think it's rather interesting. In any case, it was too small and had to be returned to the sea. Woo woo, it's lucky day!
 Ernie hooked this shark and while it is really good eating, the captain wouldn't take it onto the boat - for safety reasons. Can't say that I blame him!

 This is a real bird - not a statue. And this little bugger was really hungry. He scarfed up 4 fish skins and was still waiting for more. I love those blue eyes. What color of eye shadow is that?

Check out the feet on this big boy!

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