Tuesday 17 June 2014

More Istanbul

Sunday was a lazy day for us. Wasn't planned that way. We were going to go to Hagia Sophia to tour but when we got there, there line was quite long and we didn't feel like waiting so we went to the Basilica Cistern. Across the street from the entrance, we saw this house and it just seemed really out of place. We hadn't seen many wooden houses like this since we left England.

Afterwards we just wandered around the back street near the Grand Bazaar. It was sort of weird because the bazaar was closed and it was pretty quiet in that area. Considering what a madhouse it usually is, it really was strange. It was pretty warm that day and Ernie's foot was bothering him so we returned to the hotel after lunch in the old town. We decided he needed some down time and figured a Turkish bath was just what the doctor ordered. As it turns out, there was a bath in the lower levels of our hotel and we were able to schedule baths for the late afternoon.

Ernie was sent to the sauna while I entered the bath area. There was a very large marble pedestal (stage) that was heated. There was a towel and a sort of pillow already laid out for me. I laid there for a little while and just let the heat relax my weary body. The the attendant came in and started pouring bowls of water on me and thoroughly soaking me down, alternating hot, warm and cool water. He then scrubbed my body with a sort of loofah glove and thoroughly exfoliated just about every part of me. This was followed by lots of water. He then shampooed my hair and exfoliated my face. Again more water. I was then coated with a coffee mixture that was for detoxifying the skin. More water after that to wash everything off. Next were several types of oils and rose water for cleansing and purifying and massaging - and more water. The next part was so cool - the soap massage. Obviously there was a basin with really soapy water. He took a pillowcase and drenched it in the soapy water, shook it out really hard and that created a lot of soap bubbles inside the case. He then squeezed the case from the top to the bottom and tons of suds poured out. He layers the suds on me and then started massaging. And the, you guessed it, more water! All the while, I was on the hot marble. It was so relaxing. He the. Applied more lotions to polish my skin. About 45 minutes later, I was done and moved out to a lounge chair to relax and wait while Ernie had his bath. I am so hooked on Turkish massages!

Finished the day with a great supper at a restaurant just up the street from our hotel. Really nice day! Ready for another tour tomorrow!


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