Friday 6 June 2014

Kalocsa Hungary

Kalocsa is one of the oldest towns in Hungary and the capital of paprika was one of the two bishopric seats founded by King Stephen in the early 11th century.

We had a beautiful organ concert in the old church (not the cathedral since it was under renovation.) This concert was so much more enjoyable than the one in Passau. Yes the organ in Passau was much larger and a better instrument but the music selection and the emotion that this organist put into it was so much more impressive.



There are storks everywhere. They make massive nests on telephone and power poles and sometimes chimneys. These storks mate for life and usually have two offspring.

Following a tour In the city we were back on the buses to go to the Bakodpuszta Equestrian Center for a show highlighting the Puszta horsemanship. Oh my gosh, I can't say enough about this show. Our bus was met by a horse and rider (cracking a whip the whole time) and he led our bus to the parking lot.

We starred with a glass of their local wine and a local taste treat (hearty slice of great bread, spread with bacon fat, sprinkled with paprika and served with sliced sweet onions. It was great! We took our seats in te covered grandstand (thankful for that cause it was sunny and hot) and proceeded yo be amazed by the Csikos(cowboys.)

This little donkey stole the show!





Yes this nan is standing on the two horses in the back of a 10 horse team!



Got to ride in the cart around the ranch.


Picture not great cause these curly haired pigs wouldn't stand still.

On to Vocuvar Croatia tonight. What an amazing trip!

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