Thursday 5 June 2014



We sailed into Budapest around 10:00at night and the lights were amazing! The last time we were in Budapest was in 2009 and the city is still spectacular although with many many more tourist. Also te prices of handicraft and tourist fare have more than doubled. Not a problem for us but I felt bad for all the other folks who were spending line there was no tomorrow. Thankfully living in a camper has definitely put a halt to souvenir buying ( if something cones in - something must go out!) having been here before, I knew I would enjoy it again but didn't expect as much pleasure as I got with the tour. Getting the history and a local's perspective filled in the blanks. Since we were staying on the ship for the next leg down to Bucharest, it was a strange day - enjoying the friends we've made for one last night and gathering contact info so we could stay in touch. Made some great friends and hated saying goodbye.

We got a chance to tour the pilot house. This massive boat is maneuvered with a little joy stick, line on a game console. As I said earlier, the pilot house also retracts down when we have to clear low bridges.

Thus is the hatch that the captain perks through when the pilot house is lowered
Scissor mechanism that lowers the pilot house

Went through a wide lock on our way to Budapest. We were in the lock with three other boats and could have put two more in if needed. We were lowered 60 feet to get to the next level of river.

The folks standing on the bridge over the lock was a tour bus and they got off the buss to watch us load and drop in the lock. I think we had the better view.

The next few photos are sailing into Budapest at night.
The Parliament Building
The Chain Bridge

We went to Hero Square and after seeing statues of the old leaders and conquerors of Budapest, decided that Ernie is mostly Hungarian. What do you think?

This is the cable car station at the top of Castle Hill. Beautiful isn't it?

Thankfully we were in time to see the changing of the guards.

Matthias Church by the castle.


Love the porcelain tile roof.
Fisherman's Bastion


Love this flag holder!

Here's the Central Market Hall.


Ernie had worked with Attila in Getmany and Austin and he contacted him when we planned this trip to see where they were now living. Turns out he is now in Budapest and would be in town while we were there. We spent the day walking around Pest (in case you didn't know, Budapest is really two cities, Buda and Pest, separated by the Danube River.) went to the Central Market to get some more paprika paste for making goulash and just wander around this great place.

Lunch in town and then back to the ship to get ready for dinner with Magonna and Attila. We went to an old restaurant in old Buda and caught up on the last five years with them. It was a fantastic evening with good friends, good food and good wine. Back to the ship by 10 for a 10:30 sailing into Kalocsa Hungary.

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