Sunday 27 April 2014


We picked up a rental car at the airport in Seville and hit the road. Two and half hours later we were I. Tarifa. This is mainland Europe's southernmost town. It is whitewashed and Arab-feeling. We rented an Air B&B and the owners wouldn't be home until 6 pm to unlock for us. Since we got into town a bit early, we decided to drive around and kill time. While looking for parking in the old town, we found a parking lot,but missed the entrance. Boy did we pay for that!!!!! We were on a supposedly two way dirt road but it was only wide enough for one car. There were no places to turn around and we were committed to seeing this through. Had we had an idea what seeing it through meant, we would have backed our way out and claim crazy Americans. Two miles later, over cratered, rutted dirt roads with rocks big enough to do serious damage if hit the wrong way, we finally found a paved road and made it back to civilization. We were in a standard transmission regular car - not a 4-wheel drive vehicle - and I was white knuckled the whole way. I have prayed that much in a very long time. I kept imagining us hitting something, getting stuck in a ditch or going off the road and trying to get rescued without a phone and questionable auto insurance. The adrenaline was really flowing.

We obviously made it out OK and were really sorry we didn't have the camera available to take pictures cause no one would really believe what that road was like and I AM NOT GOING DOWN IT AGAIN JUST TO SATISFY YOUR CURIOUSITY!

We found the B&B and found that it was a couple of blocks from the beach. So guess where we went! Those of you that really know me, don't have to wonder where we went. Imagine our surprise when we discovered that this beach was one of the great kite surfing beaches in the world. You won't believe the pics and how many kite surfers there were.

Owners came home and we settled into our little apartment - with a washing machine. Do you know what a glorious thing a washing machine is when you are traveling with one suitcase of clothing,for three months. Believe me, it is a glorious thing! That night, we found, finally, a grata Moroccan restaurant. Oh did I say how much we like Moroccan food! Winds aside, we braved the weather and had a lovely meal.

Next day we drove to Gibraltar and I will publish a separate note for our visit there. Third day found us just hanging in Tarifa for the day - after I had a great walk on the beach while Ernie nursed sore knees. We actually found a Mexican restaurant and ate there that night - great margaritas, ceviche, guacamole and pollo mole. The owner, Rafael, was from Mexico and had lived in California for 13 years. After our meal. We chatted with him and shared a shot of really good tequila.

That brings us to today and our trip to Tangier. I'll keep you guessing about that for a little while. I'll publish that info after Gibraltar. For now a few more photos and then a resounding good night! We walked our asses off today and have had a few beers followed by a few vermouths! So sleep tight everyone.

Look what I found on the beach. We finally figured out the it is a cuttle bone from a cuttle fish. If your every had a bird, you will recognize this

This is Tangier as seen from Tarifa. It is only a 35 minute ferry ride away. Imagine, North Africa in only 35 minutes!

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