Sunday 6 April 2014


So, we arrived in London on Tuesday. Barry was so kind to pick us up from the airport considering it  was almost a two hour trip from his home in Clevedon. Managed to stay up until a little before 10 p.m. Ernie made it until almost 8:30 and just couldn't keep awake. Got up at reasonable times the next morning to our great surprise.

The weather here is in the 50's, damp and overcast but it is Spring! the tulips and daffodils are all in bloom  as well as several of the trees. the colors outside are great to see. We have had some rain but nothing that was a stopper for us. We went to Bath on Wednesday. A little walking and it was time for a cuppa (that translates to a cup of tea). Following our lovely morning pick me up, we went to the Roman Baths. These were the first Roman spas north of the Alps and is a World Heritage site. The bathhouse is over 2000 years old and the water is still flowing. I was really surprised to find that there was geothermal activity in the UK. This is the only geothermal location in the UK. We spent around three hours in this amazing facility.

Daffodils blooming everywhere

Ernie and Barry in front of Bath Abbey

Angela, Barry and Ernie

Water channneling into the great bath

Temple pediment

Underground overflow tunnel

One of the tunnels feeding the baths

Lovely duck enjoying the warm stone

Cold water bath which was the final step

These alcoves were where the invalids were placed for the healing baths. The 
dark brown/orange stain on the wall was where the water level was so it 
covered them up to their shoulders 

Bath Abbey built in 1499

Notice the second angel on the left covering herear with her  wing to block out the bagpipes

Reminds me of Mary Poppins

Bath England

Clock tower on Cardiff Castle

The castle keep

Church in Cardiff Wales

Carousel on one of the shopping avenues in Cardiff

Well that was our first two days in England. More in my neext post. Nite all!

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