Saturday 26 April 2014

Alhambra Photos

This extensive group of photos are all from the Alhambra which consists of the Generalife gardens, Charles V's Palace and the Alhambra Museum, the Alcazaba (the military part of the grounds) and the Palacios Nazaries. I will caption those photos that need info, otherwise just enjoy and know that you really should see this in person!

Albayzin seen through a window in the Alhambra

The cursive looking W with a nose on it's left side is the 
character for Allah. The phrase "only  Allah is victorious" is 
repeated 9,000 times throughout the palace

The use of stones to decorate the walkways was amazing.

This is a waterway on the top of the wall along the stairs. It was a means of transporting water to the various parts of the grounds

Redbuds were in bloom all over Spain!

We stopped halfway through our tour in this lovely outdoor cafe for a cool drink

This is the float carried from the church in Alhambra on Holy Saturday to the cathedral in Granada. This procession began at 5:50 in the afternoon and they returned to the church in Alhambra at 2:00 in the morning

I love this stairway to the top floor of the Charles V palace

A lot of the structures here were made of larges stones and mortar. Amazing that they are still standing. A lot to be said for their engineering.

In Europe, this redbud is called the Judas Tree. The explanation is below

A view of Granada from the Alcazaba (the fort in Alhambra)

The cathedral as seen from Alhambra

One of the walls in the Alcazaba

Looking into the Alcazaba from the sentry tower. Boy Ernie really hated climbing those stairs.

The ceilings in Palacios Nazaries were amazing. The next few photos are from the various rooms in the palace

.loved this room and the lighting 

The molded plaster walls and mosaic tiles took my breath away

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