Sunday 5 June 2011

Sleepout done and feelin' like home!

So we picked up carpet yesterday to put in the sleepout. There was a small area rug and the rest of the floor was basically painted garage floor. For those of you not familiar with a sleepout, it's a 'romper room' or a bedroom to us at the back of the garage. It is quite common in New Zealand and Australia. Since we are going into winter, the floor was pretty damn cold and kept the room quite cold also. We were able to buy an off cut of carpet at the carpet store for a mere pittance of the original cost. Of course it was slightly wider than the room and not as long as needed so that meant I got to be the carpet cutter. After cutting and piecing the extra carpet, I must admit it looks pretty darn good and the room is appreciably warmer already. We put together shelves for our clothes and everything is in it's place now. It's starting to look & feel like home.

Ernie decided to cook tonight - his 'famous' rosemary chicken. While he was cooking and making all the requisite noises like shit, damn, where the hell is that, you guys don't worry about me just go on playing your game. Joelle, Jasmin and I were playing a dice game at the table. We did tell him to let us know if he needed any help but he just assumed that we would know when he needed help and be there. We'll need to work on the asking for help issue. Anyway, while we're sitting playing dice, Joelle looks toward the kitchen and so very casually remarks "Dad, I think your kitchen is on fire!' As we turn to see what she's talking about, the flames were rising higher and Ernie was jumping around trying to blow out the fire. He finally placed a pan lid on the flames and they eventually went out. After the excitement, we resumed our game and he continued to cook. Oh, the meal was excellent and his chicken reputation remains untarnished.

Hope y'all had a good day today. Ours was very productive and good. Tomorrow we will have a relaxing, easy day while celebrating the Queen's birthday.

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