Thursday 2 June 2011

Second blog and already behind!

So the first post has been published and there is so much to catch up on since the decision to blog but unfortunately it is late and am having trouble focusing.  We are currently in Wanaka in  the southern area of the south island of New Zealand. We had a great day today beginning with an 11K walk around the lake followed by lunch in the van because the winds were blowing around 35 MPH. The weather today has been quite iffy. We were going to go for a walk to the Rob Roy Glacier but we didn't have the right outer wear and provisions - that being rain gear along with winter weather wear. We left Wanaka in relatively nice weather (overcast but otherwise nice) but the forecast was for rain and possible snow along with strong winds. We did not have winter hiking gear nor rain gear so had to forgoe the glacier walk for a lake walk. We did about 11K around the lake, had lunch in the mini-van because the winds were so fierce that we couldn't eat outside and then went for a rousing and very competitive ground of mini-putt (that's miniature golf for all you non-New Zealanders). I must say that this was one of the fiercest miniature golf courses that I have ever played. In any case, we had great fun and then had to return to the condo for a round of clothes washing. While the clothes were doing their thing, we played an fun game of Balderdash followed by a round of Kings and Assholes. Yes that is the name of the game. Great strategizing game but definitely one that will leave you calling your fellow players assholes!!! You should really try this game!!!! Tomorrow we will return to Blenheim for one day and then on to Wellington for the Wellington Food and Wine Festival. We arrived in New Zealand  one week ago and haven't slowed down since. We managed to buy a vehicle, a new bed, sort through our luggage and work through jet lag. When we arrive back in Blenheim on Sunday evening, we will be looking for our goods that were shipped and the arrival of our new bed. Things are beginning to settle into place. So much more to say but have run out of time on our internet allotment in the condo lounge. Got to admit that I'm pretty proud of two posts so far. Will try to stay current in my post but may falter if my son-in-law doesn't stop sampling his wines. Miss all my family and friends in the US but am enjoying getting re-acquainted with my family here. To all my friends in Italy - Ciao! To all my friends in the US, enjoy the summer and great home-grown tomatoes and summer fruit.

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