Tuesday 7 June 2011

A quiet lazy day! No pooh-flinging!

Woke up to cold and rain therefore no pooh-flinging today. Instead, a great day to hunker down and relax. We left Austin on May 15th and haven't slowed down until today. Ran out to the grocery store to pick up a few items. Oh, they do not use grocery carts here, they use trundles. In reality they are the same type of grocery carts we use in the states, they are just called trundles down here.

You know how you see homeless folks in your cities holding signs that read 'will work for food.' After friends of our read my last blog, they suggested that we should have a sign that reads 'will work for wine.' I can get on board with that one!!!

Made my first feijoada Cake today. Came out really good. For those not familiar with this unique little fruit (including me until a few weeks ago), they are really good. They taste like a combination of passion fruit, banana, kiwi, tangerine. So good!

I'll let y'all know tomorrow how we survive a day of labeling at the vineyard.

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