Monday 17 April 2017

Leaving Portugal 2017

So I wrote and published, so I thought, three blog postings. Come to find out that they never published due to a problem with the photos, actually the blog application could not locate the link to the photos. I didn't worry too much since I still had the text and would just have to figure out the picture problems. Well, the problem was an IPad that was running out of memory (don't know why 14000 photos would be a problem, lol) along with a very slow internet connection. After much hemming and hawing, I figured out that I just needed to remove a lot of photos from the device and all would be right with my world. Once I did that everything seemed to be working, I was ready to rock and roll! I pulled up the drafts and all the text was gone, along with the photo thumbnails. So here I go again.

Leaving Portugal, had our last breakfast prepared by Ana and Rita and said goodbye.we were spending the night in Lisbon because we had an early flight so our plan was to drive back stopping at Nazare and Obidos to sightsee. We got to The seaside town of Nazare along with what seemed like every other person in Portugal. It is a quaint and beautiful beach town and since the weather had been very warm and the kids were out of school for the holiday, everyone was there. After driving around for a while and never finding a parking spot, we decided to leave and head for Obidos. The sad part is that Paula and Dave never got to try percebes and beer (barnacles). Before you poo-poo barnacles, they are quite good. On the salty side and they go great with cold beer. Guess we just have to come back again.

Thankfully the crowds weren't very bad in Obidos which is a old walled city. I am not going to go into much detail just let the photos speak for themselves:

This photo is specifically for Joelle.

Ernie's brother-in-moustache!

Both the wisteria and red bud trees were blooming.

Flowers even grow in the roof gutters!




That's Dave on the wall.

Paula and I walked up this side of the wall.


Ernie wouldn't climb up with us.

What goes up must eventually come down - Paula and Dave coming down.

One of Paula's many beauty shots!



The tree sort of dwarfs Ernie.



I have a love affair with doors and door knockers so you'll just have to put up with a lot of these kinds of photos.

They even trellis bougainvillea.

After a few hours of walking around and marveling at this lovely town, we had to leave for Lisbon and a much less than good hotel. We were all glad it was only for one night. Flying to Granada the next morning and that will be the start of another set of adventures.


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