Monday 18 July 2016

Gem Mining on Monday, July 18

Wow, I'm actually doing an entry on the day it happened! Driving out to Cherokee Ruby Mine in Cowee, NC, the GPS was directing me to a specific road. Usually when we are traveling, Ernie also has on WAZE to get updates on road hazards or cops, etc. well, WAZE wanted me to a different road which would have shortened the trip by 5 miles. Why not! I have only one thing to say - we were WAZED!!!! We found ourselves on basically a 1 ½ lane road - at best - with at least 8 blind curves. Of course no guard rails. We were riding the ridge over the mountain cause our end location was on the other side of the mountain. Neither Ernie nor I messed our pants but we came pretty close to it. The end result was a gated community with no way through. We were able to turn around and go back down this lovely stretch of road. So what was to be 5 miles shorter probably added 5 miles. Oh well, we at least got a good story out of it. Had a good time mining but didn't find our future fortune. Guess we'll have to go back another day. We had some large stones that we found about 20 years ago and never had cut or polished so we stopped at a lapidary shop that was recommended. We're having one garnet faceted and another rare star ruby polished for a future setting. So not an unproductive day at all.

Sitting outside the camper right now and enjoying the beautiful weather. Being in the mountains is a bit funny (not haha funny but strange funny) in that coming home from the mining, we hit torrential rain and eventually drove out of it. Got back to the campground and the rain clouds never crossed to mountains to our side. So it is sunny with some clouds. Get to enjoy being out for a while since it's a leftover night and I don't have to cook. Woo woo!

That's all for today. Everyone have a great evening.


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