Monday 6 June 2016


Forgot that I used a different blogging app before because of "funkiness" with this app. Obviously my last posting froze when I tried to change the orientation of a photo. So rather than lose everything, I just published it.


Continuing on, while on Skidaway, we went to the University of Georgia Marine Center to see the aquarium and walk their trails. It was everything we expected and more. Again, I won't post all the photos here, just some that I particularly like.



That brings us to Thursday which means Tybee Island and the light station and museum. The Tybee lighthouse was built in 1773. This was the third lighthouse to be built on Tybee was burned in 1861 by the Confederates and rebuilt in 1867 after the Civil War. The bottom 60 feet are the original 1773 lighthouse and the top 85 feet were reconstructed in 1867. There are 178 steps to the top. It is 145 feet tala d 154 feet above sea level. The steps were put in place one at a time and then rotated into position. Ernie attempted to climb the lighthouse but the steps are open and that really messed with his head and his fear of heights. He got to the first landing and had to go back. I on the other had, walked up the 178 steps, walked outside around the landing, and then walked down 178 steps.




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