Tuesday 23 July 2013

Second Posting This Month - WOW!

OK, I'm raising the bar and posting for the second time within a month. I'm surprising myself!

We are now esconced in the Park of the Sierras and it is really pretty up here though extremely dry and quite hot. We actually had some rain last night and that is very unusual for this region. They usually don't have any rain in the summer.

I would like to say that we had an uneventful drive over here but that would be a lie. While driving through Manteca, folks were passing us and beeping their horns and pointing to the camper. My first thought was not another flat tire on the camper. Unfortunately there was a lot of road construction with no shoulder on the road and exits were closed and we were not able to get off the road for a while. So we slowed down, put on our flashers and hoped for the best. When we were finally able to pull off Ernie checked out the camper and came back with the news - our bike rack broke and we had been dragging the bikes. The good news is that we still had the bikes, the bad news is that we didn't have all the pieces of the bikes. Actually it could have been a lot worse. We are having to replace both the wheels on Ernie's bike and one of the tires and tubes on mine. We don't think there was any frame damage but are waiting to hear from the bike shop. They were most impressed with the damage to Ernie's bike since they had never seen half a wheel ground off! The good news is that they can be fixed and there was no damage to the camper or anyone that was driving behind us - that we know of.

This past week has pretty much been catching up on business stuff, shopping and getting to know the area. We did go to the Indian casino that is only a few miles away and just had lunch there. Will go back for a try at the slots later. There is quite an active community in this campground and we've enjoyed playing cards, going to the social hour and getting to know folks here.

Sunday we went on the Yosemite Mountain Sugar Pine Railroad for a ride on the old narrow gauge logging train. We had a chuckwagon dinner, went for the ride and then watched a really silly melodrama. All in all, it was a fun evening. The drive back to the campground late at night was an interesting one since we were driving through the Sierra National Park and the road was narrow and winding.

We rode in this car.

Check out the size of this Sugar Pine cone!

We are planning on going to Yosemite on Thursday. Can't wait. Will check out the Ranger guided programs and the hiking trails though I don't know how much hiking we will do given the altitude. We will also be checking out Kings Canyon State Park.

More on these trips at a later date. Who knows, maybe three postings in one month. I'm scaring myself!

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