Saturday 21 May 2011

To blog or not to blog......that is the question.

So my husband has now retired and we will begin our next adventure. Our retirement plan was basically to become a gypsy family. Our daughter and her family live in New Zealand and we've only visited them twice in the last 8 years. So our first trip was to spend approximately a year in New Zealand getting to know our granddaughter. She was 3 years old when they moved to New Zealand and we could only get to know so much about her during our short visits. The plan is to use our daughter's home as a sort of base camp, spend time with them and also give them some space while we travel  around our newly adopted country, Australia, Tazmania and various parts of Micro Indonesia. We sold our home last year and have parceled out our furniture and other worldly goods (outside of the memories that are now sitting in a 5 ft. x 10 ft. storage unit). We were hoping to have left the US in March but the New Zealand embassy had other plans for us and wasn't quite ready to give us a multiple entry visa until early May.

As we shared our plans with friends and others we have met, the question that was asked continuously was about whether I was going to have a blog. I started a blog when we moved to Italy for 14 months and was quite diligent about posting for the first few weeks and then live interrupted my stream con consciousness. so I wasn't very keen on starting another one for this part of our adventure. But the thought of journaling this trip was quite enticing, so here I go again! Bear with me if I am not as timely as I plan.